Where are all the change managers delivering “digitisation”?

The following is a snippet of an article that was written for GovTech Leaders. Read the full article here.

Depending on where you sit, digitisation is either the Holy Grail of IT, or the latest meaningless corporate buzzword. It is either a transformational shift in the way organisations operate akin to the industrial revolution, or the latest fad for executives to cling onto to secure their next promotion.

According to a recent Institute for Government report, there are at least 19 “digital transformation” or “digitisation” programmes currently underway, altogether costing just shy of £38 billion.

The reality is most likely a combination of the two and depends entirely on which organisation you are looking at. One thing we can say with more certainty is this; the sheer hype around digitisation and column inches dedicated to it must be encouraging organisations to think bigger when it comes to their IT. Instead of signing off that next departmental SaaS purchase, executives are more likely to hit the pause button and ask broader question posed by digitisation. “Could IT be used differently to transform the entire structure of the organisation?” So far, so good.

Read the full article here.

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